Logs Forwarder

From this view, you'll be able to configure Log Forwarders.

The Log Forwarders will make it possible to redirect generated and/or received logs from specific Listeners to numerous destinations and technologies.

Those technologies are:

  • Internal files
  • RELP protocol
  • Redis
  • Syslog protocol
  • Elasticsearch/Opensearch
  • MongoDB
  • Kafka

For each type, you'll be able to configure both global and specific parameters.

Global parameters

When creating a new Log Forwarder, you'll be able to configure the following global parameters:

Enable forwarder: Simply Enable of disable the forwarder, disabling it will remove it from any effective Listener configuration.

Friendly name: The front name of you Log Forwarder. Is simply used for ease-of-use and identification. It has to be unique, and any space will be replaced by a '_'.

Send as raw: This option specifies if the Forwarder should use the appropriate template for each associated Listener, or a generic template that will send the message without any modification.

As stated, if the option is deactivated the output format will depend on each associated Listener: an HTTP Listener will have a format specific to Haproxy logs, a Log Listener will have a format depending on the types of received logs (defined through the `input logs type` parameter), etc...

Advanced global parameters

By clicking the Advanced button on the lower right, the user will be able to further configure global (advanced) parameters for each Listener. Those options are better explained on Rsyslog's documentation

Size of the queue: Maximum number of messages allowed in the action queue

Size of batch dequeue: Maximum number of logs to use in a batch operation

Queue maximum workers: Maximum number of workers to start for the action

Queue timeout shutdown (ms): Number of milliseconds to wait before droping the remaining logs to process on the action (default 10 ms)

Minimum messages to start a new worker: Every time this number of logs is reached in the queue size, a new worker will be started (for example, if set to 1000: a new worker will be started at 1000 logs waiting in queue, then 2000, then 3000...) (default is queue size / maximum number of workers)

Worker inactivity shutdown delay (ms): Number of milliseconds to wait before stopping a worker that didn't receive any log to process (default is 60000 ms = 1 min)

Enable retry on failure: Detect action failures and keep involved logs in the action queue to "replay" the action at a later time

Enable disk queue on failure: Use Disk-assisted Rsyslog queues to reliably keep logs on disk when accumulating in action queue (in case of action failures mostly).

`Enable retry on failure` must be enabled

High watermark target: When the queue reaches this amount of waiting messages, the queue will begin to spool to disk.

Only applies to disk-assisted queues, `Enable disk queue on failure` must be enabled

Low watermark target: When writing to disk is triggered by the High watermark target, it will return to in-memory queueing when the amount of logs in it falls back under this value.

Only applies to disk-assisted queues, `Enable disk queue on failure` must be enabled

Max file size of the queue in MB: Maximum size of a single disk-assisted queue file, new files will be created to keep storing logs if previous ones become full.

Only applies to disk-assisted queues, `Enable disk queue on failure` must be enabled

Max disk space used by the queue in MB: Total maximum size for all files storing logs on a disk-assisted queue. Note that the total size may slightly exceed that size as logs are always written completely to disk.

Only applies to disk-assisted queues, `Enable disk queue on failure` must be enabled

File parameters

Work in progress

RELP parameters

Work in progress

Redis parameters

Work in progress

Syslog parameters

Work in progress

Elasticsearch/Opensearch parameters

Work in progress

MongoDB parameters

Work in progress

Kafka parameters

This is a specific sectino to describe specific Kafka Log Forwarder configuration options.

Broker: A list representing the broker(s) to connect to. (example: ['])

Topic: The Kafka Topic to use when inserting new logs.

When activating `Dynamic Topic`, the value in `Topic` will be processed as an [Rsyslog string template](https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/configuration/templates.html#string).

Key: The Kafka Key to use when inserting logs.

When activating `Dynamic Key`, the value in `Key` will be processed as an [Rsyslog string template](https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/configuration/templates.html#string).

Partition to which data is produced: If set, will use this fixed partition number when inserting new values.

Automatic partitioning: If activated, will enable automatic handling of partitions with Kafka.

Activating this feature will render `Partition to which data is produced` useless, as no manual partition scheming will be possible.

Kafka parameters: A dynamic list of key-value parameters directly provided to the librdkafka library global configurations.

The form will ensure basic key=value formatting, but user should ensure to always provide correct *key=value* format

Kafka topic parameters: A dynamic list of key-value parameters directly provided to the librdkafka library topic configurations.

The form will ensure basic key=value formatting, but user should ensure to always provide correct *key=value* format