WebGUI - Welcome Page - Supervision

On this page you have a global overview of the Vulture cluster.

For each member of the cluster, the status of critical services is displayed :

  • If green : everything is OK,
  • If red : an error has occured and action is required to solve it.

Frontend : This status is related to the TCP and HTTP listeners, managed by haproxy.

AI Framework : This status is related to the darwin process, in charge of Artificial Intelligence / Machine learning for anomaly detection.

Packet Filter : This status is related to the network firewall, pf.

IPSEC : This status is related to the strongswan service. If unused, the button color will be gray.

VPN SSL : This status is related to the openvpn service. If unused, the button color will be gray.

Logging : This status is related to rsyslog services, in charge of incoming logs.